Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Allergy Again

Recently I read in news that this year, the US environment has the record high level of pollen count. For last 5 days, my colleague is suffering with worst allergy he has ever experienced, itchy/red eyes, sneezing, running/bleeding nose, etc. This Sunday I was visiting my friends place and came to know that his daughter has developed pollen allergy and lactose intolerance. In my last 6 years of stay in the US, I have noticed that 60-70 % of my friends have developed allergy after 3-4 years living in the US.
As far as I understand, allergy means that our immunity has gone down and it can't fight irritations because of pollens.

My observations:

1. My friend, whose daughter developed allergy this year, moved to a first floor apartment last year. Similarly my other friend also moved to first floor apartment last year. Both the cases resulted in severe allergy this year.

2. My friends, and myself, who didn't change their eating habits after coming to the US have NOT developed allergy. Hence, people who eat home-made food, take lunch to office rather than eating out, don't consume junks like soda, coffee, breakfast-cereals, etc. regularly have fewer occurrences to allergy.

3. People doing physically exercise or are engaged in outdoor sports have less severe symptoms.

What do you think?

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